The Second Consultation Meeting of Border-Based Democracy Activist and Ethnic Civil Society Organizations Regarding Their Role and Work in Burma During the Transition


For Immediate Release
11 May, 2016

By the Organizing Committee of the Second Consultation Meeting of Border-Based Civil Society Organizations

From 7-9 May, 2016, 56 representatives from 20 border-based democracy activist and ethnic civil society organizations held a second consultation meeting to discuss their role and the prospects for cooperation and collaboration in Burma’s transition.

In the course of three days, participants discussed issues such as the prospects for the future political situation since the inauguration of the NLD-led Government, the situation in ethnic areas, the current political situation, and the peace process.

The participants identified eight areas where they can participate and cooperate in the process of implementing democracy and a federal system during the transition; human rights, women’s participation in politics, natural resources and environmental protection, transitional justice, federal affairs, refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), the future of ethnic media, and migrant workers’ issues, including their education. They also discussed and identified challenges, opportunities and prospects for these issues and agreed to submit recommendations to the NLD-led Government and ethnic armed organizations (EAOs).

Julia Marip, the General Secretary of Women’s League of Burma (WLB) and a member of the organizing committee for this second consultation said, “We believe that the new government and the leaders of EAOs will warmly welcome our recommendations and include them in the transition process.”

For more information, please contact:
Julia Marip, Women’s League of Burma, +66 (0) 93 228 4730
Saw Gipsy, Students and Youth Congress of Burma, +66 (0) 81 042 8398
Khin Ohmar, Burma Partnership, +66 (0) 81 884 0772

Click here to download full press release (English) (Burmese)